The Urdu language audio files of the 4 volumes of “Ahya Uloom-ud-Deen” or “Revival of the Knowledge of the Path to God”, dedicated to the public domain through worldwide internet library, can be listened to and/or downloaded from these four links: Based on all this, there is no exaggeration in asserting that one does oneself a tremendous favor by studying this book, a jewel of human endeavor taken from the pinnacle of human achievement, as it opens up new avenues of knowledge, wisdom, spiritual awakening, never-ending bliss, and deep-rooted understanding of a great tradition that originated with the first man on earth that will remain relevant, influential, and impactful till the last man on earth. References to all verses from Quran have been provided alongwith source references of all Prophetic traditions (Hadith) through the work of renowed scholar Hafiz Iraqi. This book encompasses all areas such as Quran, Hadith, jurisprudence, spirituality, tafsir (quranic explanation), morality, ethics, philosophy, wisdom/hikmah, tazkiyah (purification of the soul), suluk (spiritual struggle to achieve Divine gnosis), inner and external meanings of the religious texts, everyday guidance for living our daily lives, etc. Mawlana Nadeem ul-Wajidi’s Urdu translation flows with tremendous ease, clarity, simplicity, and beauty from a purely linguistic aesthetic viewpoint. Urdu translation of this great book was done by Mawlana Nadeem ul-Wajidi who is a religious scholar and an expert of Urdu and Arabic languages. Imam Nawawi (complete name: Imam Yahya bin Sharfudddin An-Nawawi of hadith collection “Riyad us Saliheen” fame), the famous jurist, Hadith scholar and saint said about “Ahya Uloom ud-Deen” that if all books of Islam are destroyed except for this book, Islam will still survive through this book.

The entire book is now available in MP3 files that can be burned in a total of 9 CDs (2 CDs each for volumes 1-3 and 3 CDs for volume 4) with a total recording time of 225+ hours including all 4 volumes encompassing about 3000 pages in small print. Imam Ghazali is one of world’s greatest scholars and Islam’s reviver of the fifth century after Hijrah whose impeccable credentials as a great reviver exist to this day and time. The entire Urdu translation of Imam Ghazali’s (complete name: Hujjatul Islam Imam Abu Hamid Muhammad al-Ghazali – 1055-1111 A.D.) encyclopedia of essential religious knowledge encompassing all necessary areas called “Ahya Uloom-ud-Deen” (احياء العلؤم الدين) or “Revival of the Knowledge of the Path to God” or “Revival of Religious Sciences” in now available in Urdu Audio book for the first time in world history on online internet library. Imam Ghazali: Free Urdu Audio Book of “Revival of the Knowledge of the Path to God” احياء العلؤم الدين